Sarah Hollebon
Specialisms: mental health, self-harming, ptsd, trauma, anxiety, mental health in young people, student mental health, fashion and mental health
Sarah is a fashion designer and mental health activist who explores and raises awareness of social issues through sculptured garments.
Her brand creates collections that highlight people’s real experiences and challenges where some are extremely deep rooted. Using garments at talks, speeches, and workshops opens up and begins the conversation on mental health.
Sarah offers a unique and captivating experience to visually engage and educate a wide range of audiences from young children to large corporate organisations.
Sarah’s story begins around age 11, and by sharing her challenges and experiences, she believes this is one way for people to find solace and fortitude within themselves and toknow they are not alone.
As a Time to Change champion, Sarah enjoys either virtually or physically voicing her and other champions mental health stories at events to end stigma and discrimination.