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Good Thinking and Speakers Collective mini-series.

We have really enjoyed collaborating with our friends at Good Thinking, creating a mini-series of videos with members of the Collective.

We are really proud of the reflective and honest accounts of how our members have managed over the last year and their ideas for improving their mental health at this challenging time. You can see the whole Mini-series on the Good Thinking website.

"Good Thinking is London’s digital mental well-being service. We have been working in partnership with The Speakers Collective to produce a video mini-series, with many Speakers Collective members generously contributing their personal story to help provide relatable stories that others may find comfort and support in.

The videos have been wonderful examples of the power of storytelling, with each Speakers Collective member speaking really articulately and openly about their own struggles with mental health, often with good humour, and whilst providing clear and relatable advice for others. Their passion for driving meaningful conversations and reducing stigma around mental health shines through. We have greatly appreciated working in partnership with The Speakers Collective on this project."

Tracy Parr - Director of Good Thinking


Good Thinking, is London’s digital wellbeing service which has been developed through a partnership of local authorities, London’s NHS, Public Health England and the Mayor of London and delivered by Healthy London Partnership. It is a free, 24/7, digital support service for Londoners seeking mental health advice and help. So far almost half a million Londoners have used Good Thinking to tackle sleep, anxiety, stress and depression.

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