If you know Speakers Collective, you will already be aware we are all about community, connections and collaboration.

There’s no greater evidence of that than when we get together, to share learning, ideas and support; whilst it’s really great to have our online meet ups, we are all agreed that nothing beats an in-person conversation.
Last Monday, we did just that, with our Summer Summit in South London. Such inspiring and interesting people in the room, who had the opportunity to participate and facilitate talks and workshops.

So it’s a big thank you to Emma Saccomani, who opened the afternoon on how we all deliver ‘Hope through Conversation’ with our work.
Leading to conversations on how we manage our own well-being.
Giving members the chance to share learnings, celebrate our strengths, be honest about the traps we fall into and nspire small steps for self-care and healthy boundaries.

Lisa Reilly shared her story and worked with us to reflect on our shared views and the differences between team and organisational resilience, sharing tools for creating a Psychosocial Safety Climate.
Sarah Jane O’Neill discussed her work on Philanthropy for unpopular causes, giving us lots to think about.

Informing us on what an ‘unpopular’ cause is, how to frame our funding requests and the importance of hope.

There was a real energy to the end of the day with Charlie Hart and Suzy Payton running a session on ‘How to include humour in emotive talks… and why?’
Energetic and full of laughter, we look forward to a session on improvisation next time we are all together.
We started with 17 people in 2017, have grown to a membership of 150 and consider ourselves lucky to work with people who continue to inspire and teach us.
Summer Summit was just another example of what we can do when we are #StrongerTogether.
We would like to thank our friends at Mobility, Sarah Brown and Simon Minity for helping to provide us with a space for the summit.
If you are interested in any of our speakers or joining us as a member please feel free to email us at info@speakerscollective.org.