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Emma Sithole

Specialisms: Mental Health, Recovery, Hope, Psychosis, Sharing your story.

Hope. A small word that seemed impossible back in 2007. Emma was an inpatient, heavily medicated and diagnosed with Schizo-affective Disorder.

Now Emma is the Founder and CEO of The Recovery Foundation a UK Charity that supports people who are struggling with their mental health. The Recovery Foundation specialises in Hope: How to find it, grow it, sustain it and then share it.

Emma has been lecturing on topics around mental health recovery, psychosis and hope at the University of Birmingham for over 5 years and she is passionate about people with Lived Experience being taken seriously - rather than a 'tick-box' exercise.

Emma has experience in public speaking and uses her own lived experience to inspire hope in others. A diagnosis is not a life sentence, nor should it keep people in chains. We can and are able to live well in recovery from a mental illness.

Hope: the only thing that through giving away you gain more of.

Emma Sithole

+44 208 123 8250


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